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The extended access control for video intercom management

In the various electronic security deployments in our country, we commonly find video intercoms combined with other technologies (primarily CCTV and Intrusion).

In addition to the growing need to introduce fully integrated solutions with these three technologies, there is a need to enhance access management in a cost-effective manner for small and medium-sized security installations.

To address this, SGSE developed last year a deep integration of several IP PBX systems from the manufacturer Grandstream, whose technical information can be found in the link below:

In these small installations, we do not usually find an access control software platform that organizes the management of these systems when working with video intercoms.

To this end, SGSE has developed a software module within Milestone for exploiting access control when working with video intercoms called extended access control.

Extended Access Control

This software module, residing within Milestone, allows us to verify who can enter the installation based on a configuration previously set by the operator.

The Access Calendar

We can define a weekly access calendar for each person authorized to enter our facility.

Within the calendar, we can create new personalized time groups to assign to the individuals we want:

People with Access to the Installation

We easily include all the people who will have access to the installation within the time window previously defined in the calendar.

Each person has access information that makes them unique.

Extended Access Control within Milestone

The operator can easily and effectively manage the extended access control within Milestone, as shown in the image below:

Information to the Operator on Access Restriction

Once we verify the identity of the person who wants to access the premises through the video intercoms, the operator can easily check with the extended access control whether this person can or cannot enter based on the calendar, the information provided to us, or simply if the person’s image matches the photo we have in our records.

When access is correct, the operator sees a green check mark on the calendar.

You can watch the demo video of the extended access control at the following link:

Grandstream Video Intercoms with RFID Credentials Integrated into Extended Access Control

You can include the GSGDS3710 Grandstream video intercoms with an RFID reader fully integrated into the extended access control in your electronic security deployments.

In this way, no intervention is required from the control center operator if the credential of the bearer enables access to the different locations of the installation.

Whether access is granted or denied, a log will be recorded in Milestone as an event to facilitate operator management.

Through the following video, you can see the management of RFID credentials within the extended access control in operation.

The Exploitation of Extended Access Control from the Alarm Receiving Center (ARC)

The SGSE-RVC Remote Visit Control solution and Extended Access Control, together with the technology offered by Milestone, allow concierge and remote visit control services from a control center or an alarm receiving center thanks to the integration carried out by SGSE in the Bold Technologies Manitou software platform within the alarm gateway.

The Extended Access Control module will allow remote validation of whether a person has permission to access the premises.

The user interface is similar to what we offer in the extended access control plugin in Milestone, displaying the data of the individuals and allowing quick selection of the person in question through the search function.

Furthermore, there is the possibility of configuring events and alarms in Milestone that will be sent and received remotely to, for example, activate a door.

Thus, the receiver operator can execute actions quickly and effectively at the remote installation through the various technologies integrated into Milestone.

In summary, we can enable remote access with criteria from the receiving center by checking in real-time the time window during which the person can enter the facility we are communicating with via the video intercoms, verifying their identity with their profile image existing in the extended access control.

Demonstration Video

In the following video, you can see a demonstration of the operation of the SGSE-RVC Remote Concierge Service in combination with the extended access control in Milestone for the receiving center working with Manitou.